Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friends of BCAS - Weekly Email 7/21/11

Below is the contents of the weekly Adoptions & Newsletter email sent out on 7/21/11.

Hello, fellow Friends of BCAS volunteers!

Please spare a moment to read the following announcements:

Help us understand you, our volunteer base, by doing this 6-question survey by the end of August, and get chance to win a free Friends of BCAS t-shirt! All feedback is very welcome, but we'd especially love to hear from our non-participating volunteers.You can answer anonymously!

VOLUNTEER OPP.: Volunteer Animal Advocate! We are looking for motivated individuals to help us promote the shelter's cats and dogs to rescue organizations. We can also use people to occasionally help transport animals to rescue groups. The quicker the highly desirable animals leave the shelter, the longer the harder-to-place animals get to have a chance! Contact Jenn at for more information.

REMINDER: Dog walkers, due to the heat, dogs may not be walked until Monday the 25th. Once walking resumes, please respect the heat this summer and do not run or overwork your dog in hot weather. Don't forget, there is a doggy pool in the yard that you may use if your dog likes to swim! If somebody sends me pictures of their shelter dog having fun in the pool, I'll be glad to include them in the next newsletter!

EVENT REMINDER: Dog Days of Summer is coming. On July 30th at the shelter, amongst the other vendors and displays, we will be helping the shelter with their table. We're still looking for volunteers to handle dogs, bake things, help setup/packup, et cetera. Email Jenn at to help out.

VOTE FOR OUR SHELTER: The Animal Rescue Site is giving away thousands of dollars in grants to shelters with the highest votes here: - Help us have a chance to win the grand prize of a $5000.00 grant by clicking the link, searching for Burlington County Animal Shelter, and voting for us! You can vote once every day until the contest ends.

VOLUNTEER OPP./CLINIC: Please consider volunteering for BCAA's next Snip It Clinic for Cats on Sunday the 31st in Browns Mills. You can volunteer for the morning shift (from 7 or 8 AM to noon) or afternoon shift (noon to finish). Please email Leila at to help out. The more cats we help get spayed or neutered, the less cats flood the shelter, and we need all the help we can get!

...Thank you! And now, without further ado...

We thought you'd like to see some of the wonderful animals that were adopted most recently! Your efforts help the animals to stay calm and sane, and this makes them so much more attractive to potential adopters. We truly appreciate the time you put in, and we know the animals do too.

More cats and dogs were adopted, rescued, fostered or reclaimed beyond these below, but I don't have pictures!

The Cats:
C-40425 Max (Max is sitting next to me as I write this!), C-40605 Joey, C-41187 Jerry

C-41369 Mushroom, C-42244 Shiloh

The Dogs:
This is an AMAZING number of dogs adopted this week! 22 dogs, and these are only the ones we have pictures of!

D-40563 Casey, D-41107 Glory, D-41554 Lucy (adopted, returned, adopted!), D-41659 Arizona

D-41721 Diamond, D-41786 Toby, D-41886 Lemon, D-41915 Happy

D-42037 Sasha, D-42056 Subzero, D-42221 Orange, D-42642 Chico
D-42238 Sue, D-42262 Sunrise, D-42351 Josie, D-42437 Stone

D-42499 Zebra, D-42526 Sadie, D-42533 Raleigh, D-42551 Clover

D-42553 Flora, D-42585 Rio (reclaimed)

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